I look forward to meeting and seeing where we can go on your journey
Its a wild, fascinating, empowering ride
My mechanics are original and unique at this stage
Born out of my extensive journey and acceptance....
That being truly solution orientated
I wasn't able to find my own externally.
So i created it all.
Plenty of Information below.
I hope to help you like nothing or no one else can....
And, ideally, be one of the greatest investments you ever make :)
There are few ways in life we can truly determine our own fate.,,,
This is one of them....
Enjoy all you experience :)
Once you commit to payment. I thank you and send a link to my booking system. There, you can select a time that suits. It is very simple. I just seek some info up front like Skype account, your region, any info you need me to know. I generally link up not long before the session.
I live in Adelaide, Australia timezone. Some days i start at 10am. Others 11:30am.
I start later as i generally take a couple hours after wake up to setup.
I generally close at 3am each day. To cater for the different time zones.
So, i have a big time window on offer.
I can be flexible. Some times of the year, some regions require some flexibility.
I am happy to find the fit that works best for you.
I live in Adelaide, Australia timezone. Some days i start at 10am. Others 11:30am.
I start later as i generally take a couple hours after wake up to setup.
I generally close at 3am each day. To cater for the different time zones.
So, i have a big time window on offer.
I can be flexible. Some times of the year, some regions require some flexibility.
I am happy to find the fit that works best for you.
Account: [email protected]
Please use the same amounts above for the service you choose
In $AUS OR $US equivalent if you prefer
Account: [email protected]
Please use the same amounts above for the service you choose
In $AUS OR $US equivalent if you prefer
**AUG 2024 - New Session - Infinite Potential - Basic**
I like to under promise but over deliver. Times are adaptive to the situation. And, in the session. Prefer to work until i am happy. What i sense is resolved.
Jan 25 2025 on i have offered an updated Sovereignty Declaration v4.2, I offer different versions for the different sessions. To cater as best for your needs.
I like to under promise but over deliver. Times are adaptive to the situation. And, in the session. Prefer to work until i am happy. What i sense is resolved.
Jan 25 2025 on i have offered an updated Sovereignty Declaration v4.2, I offer different versions for the different sessions. To cater as best for your needs.
** IMPORTANT Update Jan 25 2025 - New version 4.2 has begun to be released **
Updates in v4.2 from v4.1 released Dec 21 2024 are significant. I have included AI, Food, Economic, Voice and Language new or expanded sections. These are very big and important now. Plus much more.
The blue buttons below are links relative to their labeled version.
Inside the front page of all i offer instructions and which version is a session option.
To top is going from the longest to shortest. Most thorough to time efficient.
Updates in v4.2 from v4.1 released Dec 21 2024 are significant. I have included AI, Food, Economic, Voice and Language new or expanded sections. These are very big and important now. Plus much more.
The blue buttons below are links relative to their labeled version.
Inside the front page of all i offer instructions and which version is a session option.
To top is going from the longest to shortest. Most thorough to time efficient.
*** Other Version 4.2 options 3 and 4 coming soon ***
Declaring our Sovereignty right now has never been more important. So, I have worked out a really cool way to evolve everything.
I intend to offer a total of 5 different versions of Version 4. Their names will be 'Complete, Full, Basic, Brief and Simple / Short Audit'. Based upon lengths. So i can keep expanding but cater to your specific needs better also.
You are welcome to employ it as reference, data download for your pattern recognition skills. Fast track your expansion. Be an ally if you are under severe attack. Employ for those very potent times. Or, just quick audits to help you maintain yourself.
Whether you are a masterful veteran, practitioner or new to your awareness journey. I feel this will cater to you all. The mechanics i have worked out, Are solution orientated. And, way beyond most stuff out there in so few pages.
I suggest you explore my release below. I explain the reasons for this evolution, the options in sessions. And, a very straight forward, logical but superior strategy. We can all employ going forth.
Enjoy and thanks for being here :)
♾🙏 Infinite Potential Sovereignty Declaration v4 Release 🙏♾
♾🙏 And A Strategy To Go Forward With🙏♾
If you are new to the concept of Pranic Healing. Welcome. I love it. And, am incredibly grateful it came into my life. I do it on myself all the time. The reason i love Pranic Healing. Is it is basically all about 'Energy Hygiene'. It is what is all about. It is not giving you anything external that you don't already have. It is only about clearing anything out the way that is preventing your right now. Being all you can be. This might not sound that special. Its only when you are able to appreciate how much negative stuff is don't to us in this reality. Because it is not designed or aimed at you being at your Multidimensional self. Then its greatness is revealed. Because, from my opinion it is an ally to me to employ my natural talents to remove what ever it is preventing your potential.
Pranic Healing aspect of what i do i call the 'Defense' aspect of my broader Infinite Potential Healing Sessions. So, if you explore the fuller Infinite Potential session with me. It is a part of those sessions at the start.
What i am to do for you in a Pranic Healing session. Is clear anything out that might be interfering with you. On any level. To prevent you in anyway having full access to what ever your potential is. Free of influence. So, this sessions apart from general maintenance. Is very cool with dealing with things like entities, targeting, meridian blocks, etheric implants and chips. Or anything else not of your true essence interfering with you.
I feel very fortunate to be able to clear what i am able to do. There is so much on the multidimensional level designed to limit us. The vast majority of humanity doesn't accept. Let alone are being influenced by it. I aim to clear multidimensionally though in spite of this. Thus, allowing anyone who explores with me to be cleared from what ever i can do at that time.
What i have found is Pranic Healing Is really great for returning the overall volume of life force to your body. Its not so much you get something new. You just get what you should naturally but have been hindered. This includes to anything that is harvesting or limiting it from you. By design in this reality.
From a pattern recognition level of observation. Knowing this type of interference could be occurring to the vast majority of humanity. If you are appreciate life force volume is very low. Things like being constantly exhausted is logical. It is no great mystery. Over time, can be an ingredient in the ability of our incredible DNA technology to fend off illness. And, over extended depletion times physical degradation. I don't want to be very specific on these things for very good reason. I do hope you catch my drift ;)
Compared to most other modalities out there. Pranic Healing does deal with Chakras. Its mechanics relative to them vs others might differ. An image of Pranic Healing chakras is below:
Pranic Healing aspect of what i do i call the 'Defense' aspect of my broader Infinite Potential Healing Sessions. So, if you explore the fuller Infinite Potential session with me. It is a part of those sessions at the start.
What i am to do for you in a Pranic Healing session. Is clear anything out that might be interfering with you. On any level. To prevent you in anyway having full access to what ever your potential is. Free of influence. So, this sessions apart from general maintenance. Is very cool with dealing with things like entities, targeting, meridian blocks, etheric implants and chips. Or anything else not of your true essence interfering with you.
I feel very fortunate to be able to clear what i am able to do. There is so much on the multidimensional level designed to limit us. The vast majority of humanity doesn't accept. Let alone are being influenced by it. I aim to clear multidimensionally though in spite of this. Thus, allowing anyone who explores with me to be cleared from what ever i can do at that time.
What i have found is Pranic Healing Is really great for returning the overall volume of life force to your body. Its not so much you get something new. You just get what you should naturally but have been hindered. This includes to anything that is harvesting or limiting it from you. By design in this reality.
From a pattern recognition level of observation. Knowing this type of interference could be occurring to the vast majority of humanity. If you are appreciate life force volume is very low. Things like being constantly exhausted is logical. It is no great mystery. Over time, can be an ingredient in the ability of our incredible DNA technology to fend off illness. And, over extended depletion times physical degradation. I don't want to be very specific on these things for very good reason. I do hope you catch my drift ;)
Compared to most other modalities out there. Pranic Healing does deal with Chakras. Its mechanics relative to them vs others might differ. An image of Pranic Healing chakras is below:
When i do a session. I clear each of the above chakras. Front and back. I also expand them to also include the Parasympathetic Nervous System. Which explain below with images and a description of its role in our incredible DNA skinsuit technology.
Until i explored Pranic Healing as a modality. I had no real appreciation for this organ of our amazing DNA Skin Suit. I absolutely do now. For, it is one of our greatest allies. Which, i feel confirms the reason for this absence of appreciation.
Our Spleen on a multidimensional level. Is like a build in life force sponge. To the Universal of Pranic energies all around us. It is also one of the most interfered with, targeted regions of our body. Just imagine vines with tentacles tapping into a nourishing water supply. It is a good metaphor of how energetic entities can tap out our sustenance for their own benefit. That traverse through our energy bodies and meridians. Hindering our existence.
I spend a decent time on both front and back of each person's spleens during sessions. To make sure you are free of harvesting aspects. It can be one of the most relieving aspects of what i do.
Once it is clear. You can also feel all sorts of things. Alot feel very fatigued also. This is just because most people don't know they are only running on say 30-40% of the life force then need to function. When it is returned. The body's backed up processes that is was budgeting the limited life force resources to run you with. Are able to be served. Because say 70-80% might be the level you are returned to. Needing some down time to honour your body is wise. And, then in the future with that integrated. Follow-up are usually a good idea
Just if you are here. Really appreciate your spleen. Below is an image of it and its location. See how the 'Reverse Matrix' teachings have the focus on the wrong location. Employ salt packs both sides might be an interesting experience :)
Our Spleen on a multidimensional level. Is like a build in life force sponge. To the Universal of Pranic energies all around us. It is also one of the most interfered with, targeted regions of our body. Just imagine vines with tentacles tapping into a nourishing water supply. It is a good metaphor of how energetic entities can tap out our sustenance for their own benefit. That traverse through our energy bodies and meridians. Hindering our existence.
I spend a decent time on both front and back of each person's spleens during sessions. To make sure you are free of harvesting aspects. It can be one of the most relieving aspects of what i do.
Once it is clear. You can also feel all sorts of things. Alot feel very fatigued also. This is just because most people don't know they are only running on say 30-40% of the life force then need to function. When it is returned. The body's backed up processes that is was budgeting the limited life force resources to run you with. Are able to be served. Because say 70-80% might be the level you are returned to. Needing some down time to honour your body is wise. And, then in the future with that integrated. Follow-up are usually a good idea
Just if you are here. Really appreciate your spleen. Below is an image of it and its location. See how the 'Reverse Matrix' teachings have the focus on the wrong location. Employ salt packs both sides might be an interesting experience :)
As a part of every Pranic Healing session. I clear our each individual's Parasympathetic Nervous System. Including the Vagas Nervous System. This amazing aspect of our body. Is where influences, chips, energies etc can be inserted via out Medulla / Top of Spine. Or via the Tailbone.
A great deal can be hacked into our body to influence us via this. I include this as part of my defensive, coast is clear aspect of what i do. Setting the client up for accessing their talents and going on the offense relative to any forces, influences that may have or are doing anything. To prevent the individual achieving their potential.
Pranic Healing is an amazing modality and i am grateful for discovering it. Those who have sought me out for this alone have had enormous benefit in doing so. I usually aim to complete these in 90-120mins.
It might sound great on its own here. But, if you are new to me i do highly recommend the fuller Infinite Potential session first. See Pranic Healing as more maintenance after that exploration. If you are experiencing major issues and targeting. Been under attack also. I suggest the extended fuller sessions also.
A great deal can be hacked into our body to influence us via this. I include this as part of my defensive, coast is clear aspect of what i do. Setting the client up for accessing their talents and going on the offense relative to any forces, influences that may have or are doing anything. To prevent the individual achieving their potential.
Pranic Healing is an amazing modality and i am grateful for discovering it. Those who have sought me out for this alone have had enormous benefit in doing so. I usually aim to complete these in 90-120mins.
It might sound great on its own here. But, if you are new to me i do highly recommend the fuller Infinite Potential session first. See Pranic Healing as more maintenance after that exploration. If you are experiencing major issues and targeting. Been under attack also. I suggest the extended fuller sessions also.
The way i see Infinite Potential Healing. Is I offer you the ability to access the energy of a sacred site. Anywhere in the world. Via me and my construct. That is totally original, unique and incredibly beneficial to experience.
It all came about relative to seeing enormous gaps in the healing options out there. I have explored extensively. But, it felt for myself more could be done. Coming with a background as an IT Engineer. Which has a solution basis. I set myself the challenge to create something i know can solve alot with people. That has not found resolution up until now. I felt more was needed for people as well. Thus, birthed my very original technique i feel offers so much more than anything else out there i have found so far.
I feel working with my very own sacred site. That I guard in my region of our world. The benefits experiences in its field i wanted to share to people who came into my life. The safety of this region and logistics to offer that experience are not conducive however to the vast majority of people. And, incredibly demanding and unsustainable also. But, the experience offered me there was more out there.
Because i am very fortunate that Remote Healing has always been something i can do. Combining all these variables. I was able to work out the frequency mechanics by combining many things together. Including myself mixed with technologies and crystals. I worked out i am able to offer a very unique 'sacred site frequency space'. That is very safe. I know is incredibly beneficial to anyone willing to explore with me.
Another big thing is I also do this over unusually long sessions. The reason being imposing no time pressure or limit on a session. Is incredibly conducive to an exponential volume of healing per sessions to be afforded. And, it tends to be in the extended times, clear from anything that might be interfering. Is where the most profound things occur.
I am able to maintain myself over extended periods as my whole construct is very beneficial to my in it also. I have always had exceptional stamina in all i do. Whether it be sport, focus in learning, create video content etc. I know i am a manifesting generator in Human Design for instance. That is why i have done the Galactic Special Forces remote and Earth Grid Missions etc. Thus, the 'Infinite' aspect. There is no cost to anyone from a life force level. As i say 'Pranic Healing is all about Energy Hygiene which is do constantly on myself. The experience i create is incredibly protected and i am able to maintain the space over extended periods very safely.
It might sound like a long time outside of it. But, it absolutely flies haha. People find it incredible and never long enough. I have done 7-8hr sessions quite often. To some very targeted incredibly talented beings. That the system here does not what them able to operate at their full potential. Who in their lives are likely to have never been able to disarm their psychic defence. Who are able to in this space for maybe their first time ever. It is there fore incredibly relieving and nourishing to be able to truly feel saft and let your guard down. Which, is why offering extended times allows great benefit once all the other aspects are defended against. And, then clobbered if need be.
This is why i seem to be the last resort to many. I tend to not aim for that length though. If it is needed i can do it. But, 4-5hrs is generally enough for most people. Because it can be to much for some. I have found that by exploring extended time frames with people. A Parabolic Level of healing is able to be done. When i say i do 1000 healings in one. I am not joking.
A Entire Infinite Potential sessions consists of several parts. I generally have an introduction chat with the individual, But, Pranic Healing is the first main component. I employ 'Pranic Healing' first to make the 'Coast Clear'. It is the Defensive part to clear the way.
The Second half includes reading my 'Infinite Potential Soul Contract Revocation v2.1. Then extensive discussion. I discuss an individual's life and experiences. I listen intently. But, I also require alot. Which, the individual's body reveals a great deal of confirmation of things. That i clear when i experience them overlaying my energy fields.
What happens to me is the individual's energy bodies overlay with mine. And, i am able to resolve any issues, damage, blocks of interference. Restoring people back to their source, fetus or template levels. Extensively exploring experiences with the individual that may have been traumatic. Rewiring perceptions and the algorithm of behavioral patterns. Or, it clears the way after extensive healing for activations or talents to be revealed. I don't really want to define it to much. Other than to say it is incredible what our potential is when we are truly clear.
Because Pranic Healing clears out anything misguided. Exploring experiences that have been very negative, traumatic, suppressed body issues, accessing talents after clear etc. Such as sexual abuse, negative ET abductions, targeting, hauntings etc. What ever needs resolving or repairing is very much enhances in the Sacred Space Energy Field i create. Enormous shifts are able to be achieved. Some issues can be so deeply buried under so many other issues. Normal modalities out there i feel just aren't able to penetrate the layers they may require. My modality has the potential to assist with.
I feel incredibly honoured to be able to offer this to humanity now. I am very confident in what i can do. I know what it has done and what it can do for those who do have the courage to explore. It is unique right now with no real reference out there. Don't let that unknown territory be your limit though. It might be the thing you have been searching for you didn't know could be possible to find. Let alone experience.
I invite you to explore. And, see where i can take you :)
It all came about relative to seeing enormous gaps in the healing options out there. I have explored extensively. But, it felt for myself more could be done. Coming with a background as an IT Engineer. Which has a solution basis. I set myself the challenge to create something i know can solve alot with people. That has not found resolution up until now. I felt more was needed for people as well. Thus, birthed my very original technique i feel offers so much more than anything else out there i have found so far.
I feel working with my very own sacred site. That I guard in my region of our world. The benefits experiences in its field i wanted to share to people who came into my life. The safety of this region and logistics to offer that experience are not conducive however to the vast majority of people. And, incredibly demanding and unsustainable also. But, the experience offered me there was more out there.
Because i am very fortunate that Remote Healing has always been something i can do. Combining all these variables. I was able to work out the frequency mechanics by combining many things together. Including myself mixed with technologies and crystals. I worked out i am able to offer a very unique 'sacred site frequency space'. That is very safe. I know is incredibly beneficial to anyone willing to explore with me.
Another big thing is I also do this over unusually long sessions. The reason being imposing no time pressure or limit on a session. Is incredibly conducive to an exponential volume of healing per sessions to be afforded. And, it tends to be in the extended times, clear from anything that might be interfering. Is where the most profound things occur.
I am able to maintain myself over extended periods as my whole construct is very beneficial to my in it also. I have always had exceptional stamina in all i do. Whether it be sport, focus in learning, create video content etc. I know i am a manifesting generator in Human Design for instance. That is why i have done the Galactic Special Forces remote and Earth Grid Missions etc. Thus, the 'Infinite' aspect. There is no cost to anyone from a life force level. As i say 'Pranic Healing is all about Energy Hygiene which is do constantly on myself. The experience i create is incredibly protected and i am able to maintain the space over extended periods very safely.
It might sound like a long time outside of it. But, it absolutely flies haha. People find it incredible and never long enough. I have done 7-8hr sessions quite often. To some very targeted incredibly talented beings. That the system here does not what them able to operate at their full potential. Who in their lives are likely to have never been able to disarm their psychic defence. Who are able to in this space for maybe their first time ever. It is there fore incredibly relieving and nourishing to be able to truly feel saft and let your guard down. Which, is why offering extended times allows great benefit once all the other aspects are defended against. And, then clobbered if need be.
This is why i seem to be the last resort to many. I tend to not aim for that length though. If it is needed i can do it. But, 4-5hrs is generally enough for most people. Because it can be to much for some. I have found that by exploring extended time frames with people. A Parabolic Level of healing is able to be done. When i say i do 1000 healings in one. I am not joking.
A Entire Infinite Potential sessions consists of several parts. I generally have an introduction chat with the individual, But, Pranic Healing is the first main component. I employ 'Pranic Healing' first to make the 'Coast Clear'. It is the Defensive part to clear the way.
The Second half includes reading my 'Infinite Potential Soul Contract Revocation v2.1. Then extensive discussion. I discuss an individual's life and experiences. I listen intently. But, I also require alot. Which, the individual's body reveals a great deal of confirmation of things. That i clear when i experience them overlaying my energy fields.
What happens to me is the individual's energy bodies overlay with mine. And, i am able to resolve any issues, damage, blocks of interference. Restoring people back to their source, fetus or template levels. Extensively exploring experiences with the individual that may have been traumatic. Rewiring perceptions and the algorithm of behavioral patterns. Or, it clears the way after extensive healing for activations or talents to be revealed. I don't really want to define it to much. Other than to say it is incredible what our potential is when we are truly clear.
Because Pranic Healing clears out anything misguided. Exploring experiences that have been very negative, traumatic, suppressed body issues, accessing talents after clear etc. Such as sexual abuse, negative ET abductions, targeting, hauntings etc. What ever needs resolving or repairing is very much enhances in the Sacred Space Energy Field i create. Enormous shifts are able to be achieved. Some issues can be so deeply buried under so many other issues. Normal modalities out there i feel just aren't able to penetrate the layers they may require. My modality has the potential to assist with.
I feel incredibly honoured to be able to offer this to humanity now. I am very confident in what i can do. I know what it has done and what it can do for those who do have the courage to explore. It is unique right now with no real reference out there. Don't let that unknown territory be your limit though. It might be the thing you have been searching for you didn't know could be possible to find. Let alone experience.
I invite you to explore. And, see where i can take you :)
Andre Hodge - Infinite Potential Healing Pt1 -
A Purpose of Sacred Sites
And Their Healing Potential
A Purpose of Sacred Sites
And Their Healing Potential
Andre Hodge - Infinite Potential Healing Pt2 -
Our DNA Body Genius in High Freq,
Earth Womb Chakras
Andre Hodge - Infinite Potential Healing Pt3 -
Defeat The Healer, Our Innate Healing Abilities
Andre Hodge - Infinite Potential Healing Pt4 -
When Wrong Choices
Lead To Being In The Right Place
Andre Hodge - Infinite Potential Healing Pt5 -
Pivotal Healing Experiences,
Healing Journey Potential
Andre Hodge - Infinite Potential Healing Pt6 -
Energy Hygiene
And It Being A Foundation To Our All 1
Thanks for being here again :)
Healing to me. Is one of the most courageous, radical and brave things to do in our world at present. Exploring healing extensively over my journey. I truly appreciate this. But, therefore i feel it has been my edge to endure so much as well. It might be terrifying on the outside. But, in it and after. It I can assure you is one of the most rewarding experiences on many levels. You can actually choose. The power comes from the courage to explore your unknown. All that come with it good and bad. But learn so much about yourself, life and what it truly means to exist. There are not many things we can determine our fate. This certainly is one of them.
In my healing. I offer something original. By incorporating many unique variables i have discovered over the years. Combining many things all together to offer what i feel is totally unique. Because i have not found the solutions i needed. I created what i feel are the solutions for myself.
My Pranic Sessions are based on Energy Hygiene. Which in this world i feel is mandatory to not only know about. But seek to master ourselves. Keeping things simple, clearing out all the energy issues. Recovering your life force etc. Can be a profound experience on its own.
My Infinite Potential Sessions are very extensive. Pranic Healing is the first component. Energy Hygiene and defensive clear out. The second part is very extensive. Including my Sovereignty Declaration. I offer a reduced one in the Basic Infinite Sessions.
After the Sovereignty Declaration with the Full Infinite sessions. We do a guided meditation to connect you to 22D Earth Mother.
My Conscious Tetris sessions are my premium service. The include all the above as well as Soul Shard and DNA Code recovery initialisation. As well as many more potentials via your commitment to your potential with me via them.
If you commit financially via payment. I will contact you and send a link to my booking system. As people are all over the world in different timezone. As well as the different and in some instances. Very extended session lengths. All these variables can make managing times interesting. I do this via a booking system that is very efficient.
Those of you in regions that might not be perfect. When i know your region. I can manually accommodate you better for time If that is needed. So, just go through the process and see where we go. It will all work out so we can have alot of fun together. :)
I hope this helps. There is plenty of other info below if you need more.
Thanks for being here and see you if i do :)
Healing to me. Is one of the most courageous, radical and brave things to do in our world at present. Exploring healing extensively over my journey. I truly appreciate this. But, therefore i feel it has been my edge to endure so much as well. It might be terrifying on the outside. But, in it and after. It I can assure you is one of the most rewarding experiences on many levels. You can actually choose. The power comes from the courage to explore your unknown. All that come with it good and bad. But learn so much about yourself, life and what it truly means to exist. There are not many things we can determine our fate. This certainly is one of them.
In my healing. I offer something original. By incorporating many unique variables i have discovered over the years. Combining many things all together to offer what i feel is totally unique. Because i have not found the solutions i needed. I created what i feel are the solutions for myself.
My Pranic Sessions are based on Energy Hygiene. Which in this world i feel is mandatory to not only know about. But seek to master ourselves. Keeping things simple, clearing out all the energy issues. Recovering your life force etc. Can be a profound experience on its own.
My Infinite Potential Sessions are very extensive. Pranic Healing is the first component. Energy Hygiene and defensive clear out. The second part is very extensive. Including my Sovereignty Declaration. I offer a reduced one in the Basic Infinite Sessions.
After the Sovereignty Declaration with the Full Infinite sessions. We do a guided meditation to connect you to 22D Earth Mother.
My Conscious Tetris sessions are my premium service. The include all the above as well as Soul Shard and DNA Code recovery initialisation. As well as many more potentials via your commitment to your potential with me via them.
If you commit financially via payment. I will contact you and send a link to my booking system. As people are all over the world in different timezone. As well as the different and in some instances. Very extended session lengths. All these variables can make managing times interesting. I do this via a booking system that is very efficient.
Those of you in regions that might not be perfect. When i know your region. I can manually accommodate you better for time If that is needed. So, just go through the process and see where we go. It will all work out so we can have alot of fun together. :)
I hope this helps. There is plenty of other info below if you need more.
Thanks for being here and see you if i do :)