Hello You Epic Being :)
Thank you for finding me and having the courageous to even have the will to contemplate this information. That in many instances might be totally opposite to the vast majority of most stuff out there these days. But, especially for also allowing me to be a part of your journey during these incredible and challenging times. At no matter what level that has been. And, if there has been anything i have offered over the years that has been worthy for your exploration, contemplation and even integration. It is an honour for me to be at a level reliant to you.
If you have allowed me to be a part of your expansion journey over the years. Especially since late 2021. Where I expanded my appreciation of things greatly and shifted gears a bit if you will. I found myself enormously humbled by actually being at a state ready to hear an amazing teacher out there. By the name of Ashayana Deane. I had come across her early in my journey 2010. But was ready now. Though i absolutely know there was a whole purposeful journey in that. I also found it equally fascinating of how incredibly hidden and buried her vast volume of teachings actually have been. I am not one to need external validation etc when i come across wisdom etc. So, really delved in. And upon all this...I feel this is a massive disadvantage to the potential of humanity now. Of her epic material not being accessible. So, am doing something about this.
I wish to offer you as a relentless awareness expander. Some core audios of her teachings for you to accelerate your own exploration. If you are a very thorough explorer like myself. I offer some quite specific ones to start that have had a profound effect to this being i am now. Even in her enormous volume of material itself I feel very fortunate to have even discovered them. Again though, purpose ;)
The specific ones i offer below might be 20yrs+ old now. But are so epic relative to what we have truly endured as a species. I think when you really invest into them as i did. You find they are not only timeless for their referential qualities. But, even now, extremely advanced vs the vast majority of what is accessible even now. Because of that appreciation. These specific ones have been foundational to my expansion over this time.
I cannot tell you how many times i have listened to this group also. Even sleeping with them. Going on my walk abouts. Or, even just wanting something to relax to. How much they have unlocked for me is immeasurable.
I have shared them to clients etc. But, I feel will be a greater ally to humanity's potential as a whole. By offering them to you this way no matter the connection to me you have. For myself over my journey. I know the success in making good decisions. Always is enhanced with a foundation of truth. See what happens to your foundation exploring there :).
I will share them here now. And, share more information below. I might expand the files on offer in the future. To keep an eye on this page. As worthy material presents itself i will do my best to offer an avenue to them.
There will be 2 sections. The First relative to the more recent times. If you consider 25000yrs recent. The second relative to the epic 250 Billion year larger scale of things.
Relative to the first section. If you have explored my teachings over this more recent 2022 on times. I have refereed to 3 main agendas that have been occuring. The audios offered relate to those.
The Second Section relative to the 250 Billion year epic Galactic History. The origin of the Phantom Matrix, Metatron hierarchy. And, the consequences we all have endured based on trying to undo, recover and restore. What originated way back then.
Prepare to have your universe rocked hahaha :)
Enjoy and thanks for being here ;)
Thank you for finding me and having the courageous to even have the will to contemplate this information. That in many instances might be totally opposite to the vast majority of most stuff out there these days. But, especially for also allowing me to be a part of your journey during these incredible and challenging times. At no matter what level that has been. And, if there has been anything i have offered over the years that has been worthy for your exploration, contemplation and even integration. It is an honour for me to be at a level reliant to you.
If you have allowed me to be a part of your expansion journey over the years. Especially since late 2021. Where I expanded my appreciation of things greatly and shifted gears a bit if you will. I found myself enormously humbled by actually being at a state ready to hear an amazing teacher out there. By the name of Ashayana Deane. I had come across her early in my journey 2010. But was ready now. Though i absolutely know there was a whole purposeful journey in that. I also found it equally fascinating of how incredibly hidden and buried her vast volume of teachings actually have been. I am not one to need external validation etc when i come across wisdom etc. So, really delved in. And upon all this...I feel this is a massive disadvantage to the potential of humanity now. Of her epic material not being accessible. So, am doing something about this.
I wish to offer you as a relentless awareness expander. Some core audios of her teachings for you to accelerate your own exploration. If you are a very thorough explorer like myself. I offer some quite specific ones to start that have had a profound effect to this being i am now. Even in her enormous volume of material itself I feel very fortunate to have even discovered them. Again though, purpose ;)
The specific ones i offer below might be 20yrs+ old now. But are so epic relative to what we have truly endured as a species. I think when you really invest into them as i did. You find they are not only timeless for their referential qualities. But, even now, extremely advanced vs the vast majority of what is accessible even now. Because of that appreciation. These specific ones have been foundational to my expansion over this time.
I cannot tell you how many times i have listened to this group also. Even sleeping with them. Going on my walk abouts. Or, even just wanting something to relax to. How much they have unlocked for me is immeasurable.
I have shared them to clients etc. But, I feel will be a greater ally to humanity's potential as a whole. By offering them to you this way no matter the connection to me you have. For myself over my journey. I know the success in making good decisions. Always is enhanced with a foundation of truth. See what happens to your foundation exploring there :).
I will share them here now. And, share more information below. I might expand the files on offer in the future. To keep an eye on this page. As worthy material presents itself i will do my best to offer an avenue to them.
There will be 2 sections. The First relative to the more recent times. If you consider 25000yrs recent. The second relative to the epic 250 Billion year larger scale of things.
Relative to the first section. If you have explored my teachings over this more recent 2022 on times. I have refereed to 3 main agendas that have been occuring. The audios offered relate to those.
The Second Section relative to the 250 Billion year epic Galactic History. The origin of the Phantom Matrix, Metatron hierarchy. And, the consequences we all have endured based on trying to undo, recover and restore. What originated way back then.
Prepare to have your universe rocked hahaha :)
Enjoy and thanks for being here ;)
More Recent 25000yr History
From the 2002 'United Intruder Resistance' Workshop
More Recent 25000yr History
From the 2002 'United Intruder Resistance' Workshop
1. The Targeting and War over Organic Spiritual Teachers Seeding the Truth And Corruption of the True Teachings:
2. The Atlantean Conspiracy
The Targeting of The Earth Seeded Guardians, Indigos, Maji etc with the DNA Codes for Earth Mother Sacred Site / Stargate Control. With the Agenda to Dominate Earth Mother' surface.
The Targeting of The Earth Seeded Guardians, Indigos, Maji etc with the DNA Codes for Earth Mother Sacred Site / Stargate Control. With the Agenda to Dominate Earth Mother' surface.
NEW - Oct 13th 2022
Michael - King Arthur, Grail Quests, Camelot, New Age Era Setup
- This is Ashayana's past husband reading a section of the history that is exceptional. I actually thought i included it. Its is one on my playlist i re-listen to all the time. There is a great deal in this not in the others. But, also an overlap and extra information on many topics. But, it offers on top how the 'New Age Era' we have lived through was setup quite a while ago. Enjoy :)
Michael - King Arthur, Grail Quests, Camelot, New Age Era Setup
- This is Ashayana's past husband reading a section of the history that is exceptional. I actually thought i included it. Its is one on my playlist i re-listen to all the time. There is a great deal in this not in the others. But, also an overlap and extra information on many topics. But, it offers on top how the 'New Age Era' we have lived through was setup quite a while ago. Enjoy :)
3. Illuminati Race Origins - Creation of Leviathan Force
Once all the locations of Indigo / Maji / Guardian seedings on the surface were identified. The agenda to create a skinsuit for surface domination with all the DNA codes was on. And, what we all find ourselves in now
Once all the locations of Indigo / Maji / Guardian seedings on the surface were identified. The agenda to create a skinsuit for surface domination with all the DNA codes was on. And, what we all find ourselves in now
The 250 Billion year Galactic History Wars
Origin of the Phantom Matrix, Metatron and their Hierarchical Control
The 250 Billion year Galactic History Wars
Origin of the Phantom Matrix, Metatron and their Hierarchical Control
These all up are about 7.5 hours. I am sure once you get going will find them to be some of the most profound material you will ever come across. That might seem like alot. Many of you i know have done 100s if not 1000s of hours of research into our epic epic history. So, see how you feel after you put some effort it. It will be profound for many of you i am sure. Especially just how eloquent this is and how much makes sense with this context. I am sure you will be a different person after investing in these. And see things for how they are. Very clearly. Let alone what may unlock within you that needed their codex to engage.
The first 2 audios come from a 2002 lecture called 'Dance For Love'. The 3rd recording comes from a workshop just after that called 'Secrets of Metatron' that occurred just after it. Again, all over 20yrs old now. Once you explore them....just imagine the would that could have been had they been supported. This is about our potential from here. So, appreciate how rare and precious you are amongst humanity for your courage and dedication to be here now.
Enjoy and see the new you on the other side haha ;)
The first 2 audios come from a 2002 lecture called 'Dance For Love'. The 3rd recording comes from a workshop just after that called 'Secrets of Metatron' that occurred just after it. Again, all over 20yrs old now. Once you explore them....just imagine the would that could have been had they been supported. This is about our potential from here. So, appreciate how rare and precious you are amongst humanity for your courage and dedication to be here now.
Enjoy and see the new you on the other side haha ;)
One of the components that i am involved in. Beyond teaching, healing and training people up. Is do what i call 'Galactic Special Forces' missions. Where, we (incredible people i operate with) do massive scale missions. Based upon the discoveries we make. Uncovering the vast, very misguided influences. That has no other way of being dealt with. I share them in my 'Galactic Special Forces' theme.
As of Dec 2024....We have worked out and achieved a great deal now. Going way beyond what Asha has offered.
Below is my concept of 'Pure Source', Discovering how our Universe was invaded and corrupted from the get go. I use the time range of a trillion years ago. Which is the source of all distortion and negative we've experienced for so long.
I have offered this and other concepts for most of 2024. I invite you to explore my content and Sovereignty Declaration v3 on. That contain what we've discovered expanding her foundation.
Below is a taste of all we have worked out. Oct 5 2024 (in GSF36) we healed our Source of this to get our Purity back as a possibility. For it to begin to trickle down.
As of Dec 2024....We have worked out and achieved a great deal now. Going way beyond what Asha has offered.
Below is my concept of 'Pure Source', Discovering how our Universe was invaded and corrupted from the get go. I use the time range of a trillion years ago. Which is the source of all distortion and negative we've experienced for so long.
I have offered this and other concepts for most of 2024. I invite you to explore my content and Sovereignty Declaration v3 on. That contain what we've discovered expanding her foundation.
Below is a taste of all we have worked out. Oct 5 2024 (in GSF36) we healed our Source of this to get our Purity back as a possibility. For it to begin to trickle down.
Galactic Special Forces 27 - Aug 18 2023 - Andre Hodge - Big Chess Move Time
On August 18-9th 2023 I along with one of my epic allies. After recovering all my stolen DNA / Talent codes on July 23-4th. I was able to put an offer to Metatron's over soul to heal him. The way this was done by offering him all the data to make a good choice. I have been a part of really working out what has actually gone on. So, i presented him with offer. Of all the context to help realise. He was a victim of a massive scam to use him. By offering him his truth and what has occurred since. Gave him the self awareness spark to break the influences over him. And recover who he truly is.
Thanks to Asahyana Deane foundation on this. So he chose over that night to accept the offer. When the effort to get this was able to get through. I was hammered trying to so an amazing ailly helped.
There was a massive hacking, attacking and GSF war between the main recording (that i had been hit very hard from earlier that week) to the 2nd part recorded on the 19th. Where we succeeded and we gained his confirmation.
He has since been working with us and restoring or taking care of all the sub species working in his name. As well as the Wesedak Universe cleanup. As he was used to open the connection to it in the beginning. It is a work in progress. Even Dec 2024 we are still working through everything.
I highly recommend exploring this release. A great deal of what we had and have been up against is in it. Hence, why i said it was big chess move time. We have been in alot of trouble against vastly superior forces. That again, we have made great progress since. I offer in all my releases since this time
Thanks to Asahyana Deane foundation on this. So he chose over that night to accept the offer. When the effort to get this was able to get through. I was hammered trying to so an amazing ailly helped.
There was a massive hacking, attacking and GSF war between the main recording (that i had been hit very hard from earlier that week) to the 2nd part recorded on the 19th. Where we succeeded and we gained his confirmation.
He has since been working with us and restoring or taking care of all the sub species working in his name. As well as the Wesedak Universe cleanup. As he was used to open the connection to it in the beginning. It is a work in progress. Even Dec 2024 we are still working through everything.
I highly recommend exploring this release. A great deal of what we had and have been up against is in it. Hence, why i said it was big chess move time. We have been in alot of trouble against vastly superior forces. That again, we have made great progress since. I offer in all my releases since this time
Galactic Special Forces 36 - Oct5 2024 -
Andre, SuperA - Clearing Pure Source
Andre, SuperA - Clearing Pure Source
On Oct5 2024. With one of my epic allies. We restored our Source. Back to its original, pure state. It was a massive achievement.
Building upon Asha's offerings in the above recordings. We have gone way further back and made some monumental discoveries. Relative to what did actually occur and the scale of things we've been up against. Never really having a chance at all. It goes way beyond what she has offered. Culminating in seeing the opportunity to directly interact with Our Source. And, restore it to a Pure state free of what i describe as the 'Invaders'. who do not originate from our universe. It will blow your mind.
I invite you to listen to how that all came about here. Where i offer so many concepts we have discovered over 2024. That will really take things to a whole other level:
Building upon Asha's offerings in the above recordings. We have gone way further back and made some monumental discoveries. Relative to what did actually occur and the scale of things we've been up against. Never really having a chance at all. It goes way beyond what she has offered. Culminating in seeing the opportunity to directly interact with Our Source. And, restore it to a Pure state free of what i describe as the 'Invaders'. who do not originate from our universe. It will blow your mind.
I invite you to listen to how that all came about here. Where i offer so many concepts we have discovered over 2024. That will really take things to a whole other level:
Historical Event References Listed Chronologically
New Oct 20th 2022
This PDF File has a list of all events relative to Ashayana Dean's perspective for easier reference. It is well worth having and referring to. Especially if you are new. As, despite everything going on relative to the multidimensional aspects. Within the 3d aspects there is a true narrative. it has just been obfuscated by a lot of what is shared in the above recordings.
This will be a tool to anchor linear time to of the what is relative to her teachings. Enjoy
This PDF File has a list of all events relative to Ashayana Dean's perspective for easier reference. It is well worth having and referring to. Especially if you are new. As, despite everything going on relative to the multidimensional aspects. Within the 3d aspects there is a true narrative. it has just been obfuscated by a lot of what is shared in the above recordings.
This will be a tool to anchor linear time to of the what is relative to her teachings. Enjoy
For you reference relative to this offering and my material. Because for alot of people the volume I have offered is a challenge enough. The 'Amplifying The Echos Of Our Soul's Ancient Truth' series. Is the one that most related to the above. I highly recommend you explore that series with her information. Even if you have already but not explored these teachings of hers up until now. As if you do, Ashayana's info will help comprehend what i discuss much more thoroughly. Because i relate my perceptions and journey relative to what she offers. Just see that aspect of me as a 'reference' for your own potential also. As, that 'unlocking' stuff i elude to. Might be your own experience as well.
A link to that series playlist is in the button below:
A link to that series playlist is in the button below:
Amplify The Echos Of Our Ancient Truth 13
The Eieyani Massacre 22326BC Pt1
The Eieyani Massacre 22326BC Pt1
If you need some direction after you explore this material and want to take you to the next level. I created my 'Infinite Potential Universal Sovereignty Declaration'. A download link is below. This is a product of my 15 years journey. But evolved massively coming upon Ashayana in a very big way again late 2021.
I offer it as a way to defend our multidimensional selves against all occurring, But also, a massive fast track to help those seeking answers have the out edges of the enormous puzzle we all find ourselves in.
Below is the link to my 'Complete' version. I do offer 5 versions of various lengths. You can access them via my 'Access to Me' page link below.
I offer it as a way to defend our multidimensional selves against all occurring, But also, a massive fast track to help those seeking answers have the out edges of the enormous puzzle we all find ourselves in.
Below is the link to my 'Complete' version. I do offer 5 versions of various lengths. You can access them via my 'Access to Me' page link below.
Declaring our Sovereignty right now has never been more important. So, I have worked out a really cool way to evolve everything.
If you wish to go further with me also. I do very extensive healing sessions. All options are on offer in my 'Access to Me' page below:
Best of luck and thanks for being you, here now :)