Hello You Epic Being :)
Thanks for finding me and this page. I have decided to refresh this page along with quite a bit of my website. In the later part of 2022. In an effort to express myself better. Because I have expanded greatly in recent times. And, risked a lot also in sharing all i have. So, if you have explored this page and me in the past. I thank you for doing so. And, hope you find i have expressed myself better,
I want to invite this consideration also. It is not so much about me. But more an attitude to life you can employ yourself. That, maybe you didn't realise you could. So you can forge your own relationship to Your Own Truth.
I am not the definition of truth. Just an expression of it. But want you to know the level of responsibility i take in offering everything i do. Maybe you can already sense it. Or never have heard anyone define themselves like this. Where ever you may be. I just want you to know. I didn't choose my name. Including Truth in it. Without accepting a very high level of responsibility for myself. And, there for all I offer. And if you afford me the privilege of being a variable in your journey as you now navigation life. I do hope it enables you going for to have a better one for you and those you care about around you. That, you may not have afforded yourself to even consider. That yes, even you might have Infinite Potential also ;)
I also invite you to consider you yourself have the potential to perceive everything. Like me or even better.Esecially better. No matter the present level in which you see yourself. It is what it is now. Don't define your future with anything but possibility from this moment on. I hope to be an ally in that. For you might be the one we have been waiting a very long time for. I am just someone who after a very long time of not allowing such possibilities. Have only cracked open my door of potential to be how i am here now. The courage to go into information spaces right now not really accepted by many. It doesn't matter. I am on the scent of my own perspective of truth. Which i have been offering that you may align to also. I invite your expansion now to include vaster angles than you had allowed yourself to consider.
I have been reflecting on many things about myself. Why i do this and what I do and this outlet of mine. How to express myself better etc. I have been processing a great deal also as always. Maybe more than i even have. Challenging myself with everything, discerning at a greater level than ever. Igniting the courage to share perspectives right now i know few align to. At this time...But i feel will be a calibration to many more in the future. That my perspectives are seeding its potential then now. It has taken great courage to i can assure you.
Finding this courage to go out there even further than i have allowed myself to do in the past. I feel is a very valid time to make the effort to clarify this aspect of me better. As, perhaps 'Servant Of Truth' is an interesting expression that might be of curious to you as well. And, why i chose it.
The world today there are so many people putting out so many perspectives. For a whole multitude of reasons. The ever increasing volume is constantly demanding more from us. It can feel like Information whiplash. Requiring so much life force energy and time to process. Grinding us down affecting the ability and will to discern. This Information flack as i see it. In many instances is by design to bog you down and achieve all this. To obfuscate the truth. Especially if you are new to seeking. So, you never have the chance to become who you could. Because operating from a limited awareness the potential of who you could be would never be found. Let alone considered and developed. Your awareness is therefore the threat to all here now.
The challenges to discover the gold nuggets of wisdom worthy of employment amongst it all. Are very very difficult. Even for the veteran explores. So, what are we all to do. This all is a ingredient in why i do what i do. I also am willing to consider much more i feel than most out there.
I have been very fortunate to have a talent to discern. It has always seemed very easy and obvious to me. I have always had a very epic level of stamina and will to devour information. Minus the baggage blocking my will to consider perspectives. I find it incredibly enjoyable and nourishing. To acquire more data to expand. It is a constant for myself. So, while i feel very fortunate in recogising and trusting my ability to uncover the truth. It has not come by accident. Rather incredible effort, commitment, sacrifice, discipline and personal responsibility. I would not have been able to do the Galactic Special Forces missions and work with Earth Mother for instance. If i wasn't able to not living with very high standards in myself
So, I want to offer this if you need it and it is not recognised yet. I do take enormous responsibility in employing this name I do. Especially having the privilege of operating with people who's talents can see right through you. Who would never have allowed me into their reality unless this was the case. Agendas are so obvious.
So, because of all this. I have reluctantly accepted myself to be an Elder in this reality. Now because of what i know. There is an enormous elder gap to. That is why i state that.
One of the rationales for what i do and offer the way i do it. I have always sought to make the path easier for those who have the courage to follow these sorts of interest. In every offering, creation and teaching i have ever done. A core intent in all i do is based upon this aim. Its why it took me so long to be my own voice as well. In overcoming anything in me i needed to deal with to be able to offer me how i do. I now feel very honoured to impart how i have in recent years. So, if you have gained and expanded from me it is a privilege.
Why then, is Truth so important?
Truth, when it comes down to it. From a very simplistic point of view. When a choice is to be made. Is from my perspective always the greatest ally in achieving the best outcome. For all parties involved. Not just me. Win-Win for everyone.
If then, you make decisions employing bad data. False information that does not match what is actually before you. Whether its misinterpretation, not comprehended, not reliant to the present scenario. Of just false from a source etc. Especially misguidance that may actually have a hidden agenda. That seeks your failure. Trying to achieve a positive outcome is very challenging. And, consequences are more than likely. They might be extremely costly and painful. That could have very negative outcomes for you and others around you. That you may never recover from.
The image below is an expression I employ throughout my teachings. It is a metaphor I see the potential impact Truth vs Falsehood can have in perceptions. And, therefore decisions at any moment:
Thanks for finding me and this page. I have decided to refresh this page along with quite a bit of my website. In the later part of 2022. In an effort to express myself better. Because I have expanded greatly in recent times. And, risked a lot also in sharing all i have. So, if you have explored this page and me in the past. I thank you for doing so. And, hope you find i have expressed myself better,
I want to invite this consideration also. It is not so much about me. But more an attitude to life you can employ yourself. That, maybe you didn't realise you could. So you can forge your own relationship to Your Own Truth.
I am not the definition of truth. Just an expression of it. But want you to know the level of responsibility i take in offering everything i do. Maybe you can already sense it. Or never have heard anyone define themselves like this. Where ever you may be. I just want you to know. I didn't choose my name. Including Truth in it. Without accepting a very high level of responsibility for myself. And, there for all I offer. And if you afford me the privilege of being a variable in your journey as you now navigation life. I do hope it enables you going for to have a better one for you and those you care about around you. That, you may not have afforded yourself to even consider. That yes, even you might have Infinite Potential also ;)
I also invite you to consider you yourself have the potential to perceive everything. Like me or even better.Esecially better. No matter the present level in which you see yourself. It is what it is now. Don't define your future with anything but possibility from this moment on. I hope to be an ally in that. For you might be the one we have been waiting a very long time for. I am just someone who after a very long time of not allowing such possibilities. Have only cracked open my door of potential to be how i am here now. The courage to go into information spaces right now not really accepted by many. It doesn't matter. I am on the scent of my own perspective of truth. Which i have been offering that you may align to also. I invite your expansion now to include vaster angles than you had allowed yourself to consider.
I have been reflecting on many things about myself. Why i do this and what I do and this outlet of mine. How to express myself better etc. I have been processing a great deal also as always. Maybe more than i even have. Challenging myself with everything, discerning at a greater level than ever. Igniting the courage to share perspectives right now i know few align to. At this time...But i feel will be a calibration to many more in the future. That my perspectives are seeding its potential then now. It has taken great courage to i can assure you.
Finding this courage to go out there even further than i have allowed myself to do in the past. I feel is a very valid time to make the effort to clarify this aspect of me better. As, perhaps 'Servant Of Truth' is an interesting expression that might be of curious to you as well. And, why i chose it.
The world today there are so many people putting out so many perspectives. For a whole multitude of reasons. The ever increasing volume is constantly demanding more from us. It can feel like Information whiplash. Requiring so much life force energy and time to process. Grinding us down affecting the ability and will to discern. This Information flack as i see it. In many instances is by design to bog you down and achieve all this. To obfuscate the truth. Especially if you are new to seeking. So, you never have the chance to become who you could. Because operating from a limited awareness the potential of who you could be would never be found. Let alone considered and developed. Your awareness is therefore the threat to all here now.
The challenges to discover the gold nuggets of wisdom worthy of employment amongst it all. Are very very difficult. Even for the veteran explores. So, what are we all to do. This all is a ingredient in why i do what i do. I also am willing to consider much more i feel than most out there.
I have been very fortunate to have a talent to discern. It has always seemed very easy and obvious to me. I have always had a very epic level of stamina and will to devour information. Minus the baggage blocking my will to consider perspectives. I find it incredibly enjoyable and nourishing. To acquire more data to expand. It is a constant for myself. So, while i feel very fortunate in recogising and trusting my ability to uncover the truth. It has not come by accident. Rather incredible effort, commitment, sacrifice, discipline and personal responsibility. I would not have been able to do the Galactic Special Forces missions and work with Earth Mother for instance. If i wasn't able to not living with very high standards in myself
So, I want to offer this if you need it and it is not recognised yet. I do take enormous responsibility in employing this name I do. Especially having the privilege of operating with people who's talents can see right through you. Who would never have allowed me into their reality unless this was the case. Agendas are so obvious.
So, because of all this. I have reluctantly accepted myself to be an Elder in this reality. Now because of what i know. There is an enormous elder gap to. That is why i state that.
One of the rationales for what i do and offer the way i do it. I have always sought to make the path easier for those who have the courage to follow these sorts of interest. In every offering, creation and teaching i have ever done. A core intent in all i do is based upon this aim. Its why it took me so long to be my own voice as well. In overcoming anything in me i needed to deal with to be able to offer me how i do. I now feel very honoured to impart how i have in recent years. So, if you have gained and expanded from me it is a privilege.
Why then, is Truth so important?
Truth, when it comes down to it. From a very simplistic point of view. When a choice is to be made. Is from my perspective always the greatest ally in achieving the best outcome. For all parties involved. Not just me. Win-Win for everyone.
If then, you make decisions employing bad data. False information that does not match what is actually before you. Whether its misinterpretation, not comprehended, not reliant to the present scenario. Of just false from a source etc. Especially misguidance that may actually have a hidden agenda. That seeks your failure. Trying to achieve a positive outcome is very challenging. And, consequences are more than likely. They might be extremely costly and painful. That could have very negative outcomes for you and others around you. That you may never recover from.
The image below is an expression I employ throughout my teachings. It is a metaphor I see the potential impact Truth vs Falsehood can have in perceptions. And, therefore decisions at any moment:
Its tragic to even acknowledge this. But much in our present reality actually does have your success as an aim for you. If you are naive to the bigger picture sort of teachings i have come to offer. It takes enormous courage to really see things how they are. But when you do. You can see and learn to sense such outcomes are built into the reality. And, then appreciating this you can still overcome anything no matter the aims before you. The key though you need to take responsibility for what you accept as your Truth. There is a variable at play you can control despite everything. You just are more than likely going to need the courage to change. In order to even accept some of the variables at play.
If you do not take responsibility for the data you acquire and explore. If you are not thorough. Limited by what you allow yourself to consider. By the beliefs for instance you allow to contaminate things. The potential you have as a being will be reflective of this. And, negative outcomes might be difficult to avoid. If you are not meant to experience certain things. Certain things aspects of the world we live in would want you to go through. To sabotage that elusive potential you have. That may ultimately be a threat to them. That they sense down the track.
Just because you may self impose limits on your potential. Now. Doesn't mean you full potential hasn't been recognised by variables out there. Our reality does have a subtle self imposition of our potentials that is by design. It is masterful for sure. The key is to not impose limits on yourself if you have the courage to appreciate this. That might be the vital ingredient that starts to unlock that may presently be dormant in you. Our world has plenty of them without your proactiveness on adding to them. So if you are reading this...process it a bit ;)
We all would prefer to avoid negative experiences if possible. So, the key for me is what to employ when, where and how. No matter all the agendas out there. You do have the power here in spite of it all. To still choose what information you integrate. Owning this responsibility then becomes the key. It has been the case for myself. Especially relative to the highly responsible tasks, missions and healing stuff i do. Your future potential as well.
I am sure you have still had outcomes you would have preferred not to experience in your life. We have all had them. I can assure you i have had an enormous number despite any perception i offer. I am definitely not immune to such things. Many of my teachings offer you the choice points relative to who i was at the times of such outcomes. In an effort to offer you there is more than likely in any moment. A much vaster range of variable to consider that presently seem like.
One of the things i do now. Is operate in a default mode now that there could be a vaster range of variables on offer always. Verses what you can see or consider. Especially when emotions such as stress and fear kick in. As there are states that can have a negative effect on the volume of data you are able to process. Therefore part of my efforts to teach is to help you see the angles you might be missing. I have also offered a theme called 'Emotional Mastery'. That shares this variable relative to our emotional state and its effect on our perceptions and potential. To therefore seek to master such expressions is an ally in navigating through everything definitely.
There are experiences though we all must go though to. That can absolutely have definitive qualities to the beings we have the potential to be. I always say 'Experience is the Key to Wisdom.' Is it absolutely true. What might seem like negative outcomes do have incredible purpose. Just at the time is can be hard to appreciate. I can assure you those instances have been defining very powerful teachings. That is see have contribute massively to who i am now. I am sure for you as well. I would not be here if i had not had them. In reflecting upon them also though. I am sure you wonder like me why i chose what i did at the time. I do greatly appreciate the being i was and why i did to. Its a fascinating paradox for sure.
Because of this. I also invite a different appreciation of what society deems as failure. I see failure as just a opportunity to recognise in real time we had a vaster level of awareness on offer. We just weren't aware of it at the time. Some hard lessons ignite the will to see beyond the present level of awareness. Thus, presenting us with that potential to expand.
Upon Integrating the lesson. We can therefore expand by the experiences of others also. Employing out 'Empathy Sonar' by investing into the scenarios of others. Without the cost.In an effort to accumulate more wisdom in a shorter amount of time. So, when i express myself how i do. I am offering the data points for people to do just that. Appreciating this can also remove the fear aspect to not even try. To fast track your development well beyond what you previously thought was possible.
Beyond all these aspects of soul growth. And, our definition of who we are and who we are to become. Truth does play a role beyond them. For good and especially negative experienced. It or the absence of it can affect things. On the individual level and especially at the societal level. Which can influence the world we live in. But, it doesn't have to affect us either. If we find the will to know in spite of all the angles and agendas at play. What the truth actually is.
I have always been very curious about things. Understand, mechanics, how things work, why people or things do what they do. How do outcomes be what they are etc. Which, i am sure is an aspect of your character also. You would not be here now if it wasn't. Maybe its not fully lit yet. the spark has lit your fire. It is ignites, smouldering but you are fueling it now and letting it rip more. My perspective of truth aims to fuel a fully lit fire of the most courageous explorers out there.
One of the observations i do greatly appreciate. Despite accepting society how it is. I also know this to be the truth as well. The vast majority of humanity no matter their intelligence, awareness, nature or a whole range of variables beyond just these few. Usually make very good decisions. IF they have the truth to base their choices on. When people have bad data to formulate a understanding upon. The opposite is also just as consistent. Unfortunately if you are here you are really starting to appreciate the second outcome is a major factor of our world. Again though, its about appreciating this and taking personal responsibility for your development and ability to navigate. So, therefore another aspect of my Servant of Truth. Is to help you gain the data you need in order to make good decisions on. And, help you with what ever you need. But, also help you to sense the truth to.
All these things plus a much vaster un-offered range is why i do what i so. Offer, explore, share and impart everything i do. To be an ally in this 'Unawareness Realm' as a call it. So you can get up to speed ASAP.
Our mortal lives are very short. The demands upon our precious time are great. There are definitely all sorts of obstacles, pitfalls, booby traps that do not want this for you. You might already have lived through enormous efforts to derail you because the potential you have not presently realised. Those efforts may only increase as well. Especially when you really get going.
To me though. All of this, only offers an even richer appreciation to be a relentless. In trusting you, the truth is out there and your potential is in actual fact infinite. It can therefore be employed a Truth muscle sensing training. Because to me achieving awareness in it is all is most definitely an incredible privilege. Despite it all. I see other expressions we might have in the universe is infinite awareness. So, developing in the constraints here and incredible experience.That despite how it may feel at times. I know it to be incredibly rare. As i mention Discovery is one of my joys. When you put the effort and perhaps investment into the discovery of who you are here now. In spite of all this. It might be one of the riches experiences you never knew was on offer. Until you had the courage to seek your potential.
So, if you are here. And, truth is incredibly precious to you. I respect and appreciate your commitment to is also. If i am able to offer you anything that assists you to our own similar conclusions here. Or an ally to fast track that potential in seeking me out. Then you honour me for that inclusion in your journey. I would not do so without the respect and responsibility having such an influence comes with. And, wish you well no matter what level you explore my material. I look forward to you becoming all you can as well. As everyone matters now on levels few can fathom. I assure you on that.
You maybe the catalyst for others to discover their truth al. If you do.
♾🙏 Enjoy and Dream Big 🙏♾
If you do not take responsibility for the data you acquire and explore. If you are not thorough. Limited by what you allow yourself to consider. By the beliefs for instance you allow to contaminate things. The potential you have as a being will be reflective of this. And, negative outcomes might be difficult to avoid. If you are not meant to experience certain things. Certain things aspects of the world we live in would want you to go through. To sabotage that elusive potential you have. That may ultimately be a threat to them. That they sense down the track.
Just because you may self impose limits on your potential. Now. Doesn't mean you full potential hasn't been recognised by variables out there. Our reality does have a subtle self imposition of our potentials that is by design. It is masterful for sure. The key is to not impose limits on yourself if you have the courage to appreciate this. That might be the vital ingredient that starts to unlock that may presently be dormant in you. Our world has plenty of them without your proactiveness on adding to them. So if you are reading this...process it a bit ;)
We all would prefer to avoid negative experiences if possible. So, the key for me is what to employ when, where and how. No matter all the agendas out there. You do have the power here in spite of it all. To still choose what information you integrate. Owning this responsibility then becomes the key. It has been the case for myself. Especially relative to the highly responsible tasks, missions and healing stuff i do. Your future potential as well.
I am sure you have still had outcomes you would have preferred not to experience in your life. We have all had them. I can assure you i have had an enormous number despite any perception i offer. I am definitely not immune to such things. Many of my teachings offer you the choice points relative to who i was at the times of such outcomes. In an effort to offer you there is more than likely in any moment. A much vaster range of variable to consider that presently seem like.
One of the things i do now. Is operate in a default mode now that there could be a vaster range of variables on offer always. Verses what you can see or consider. Especially when emotions such as stress and fear kick in. As there are states that can have a negative effect on the volume of data you are able to process. Therefore part of my efforts to teach is to help you see the angles you might be missing. I have also offered a theme called 'Emotional Mastery'. That shares this variable relative to our emotional state and its effect on our perceptions and potential. To therefore seek to master such expressions is an ally in navigating through everything definitely.
There are experiences though we all must go though to. That can absolutely have definitive qualities to the beings we have the potential to be. I always say 'Experience is the Key to Wisdom.' Is it absolutely true. What might seem like negative outcomes do have incredible purpose. Just at the time is can be hard to appreciate. I can assure you those instances have been defining very powerful teachings. That is see have contribute massively to who i am now. I am sure for you as well. I would not be here if i had not had them. In reflecting upon them also though. I am sure you wonder like me why i chose what i did at the time. I do greatly appreciate the being i was and why i did to. Its a fascinating paradox for sure.
Because of this. I also invite a different appreciation of what society deems as failure. I see failure as just a opportunity to recognise in real time we had a vaster level of awareness on offer. We just weren't aware of it at the time. Some hard lessons ignite the will to see beyond the present level of awareness. Thus, presenting us with that potential to expand.
Upon Integrating the lesson. We can therefore expand by the experiences of others also. Employing out 'Empathy Sonar' by investing into the scenarios of others. Without the cost.In an effort to accumulate more wisdom in a shorter amount of time. So, when i express myself how i do. I am offering the data points for people to do just that. Appreciating this can also remove the fear aspect to not even try. To fast track your development well beyond what you previously thought was possible.
Beyond all these aspects of soul growth. And, our definition of who we are and who we are to become. Truth does play a role beyond them. For good and especially negative experienced. It or the absence of it can affect things. On the individual level and especially at the societal level. Which can influence the world we live in. But, it doesn't have to affect us either. If we find the will to know in spite of all the angles and agendas at play. What the truth actually is.
I have always been very curious about things. Understand, mechanics, how things work, why people or things do what they do. How do outcomes be what they are etc. Which, i am sure is an aspect of your character also. You would not be here now if it wasn't. Maybe its not fully lit yet. the spark has lit your fire. It is ignites, smouldering but you are fueling it now and letting it rip more. My perspective of truth aims to fuel a fully lit fire of the most courageous explorers out there.
One of the observations i do greatly appreciate. Despite accepting society how it is. I also know this to be the truth as well. The vast majority of humanity no matter their intelligence, awareness, nature or a whole range of variables beyond just these few. Usually make very good decisions. IF they have the truth to base their choices on. When people have bad data to formulate a understanding upon. The opposite is also just as consistent. Unfortunately if you are here you are really starting to appreciate the second outcome is a major factor of our world. Again though, its about appreciating this and taking personal responsibility for your development and ability to navigate. So, therefore another aspect of my Servant of Truth. Is to help you gain the data you need in order to make good decisions on. And, help you with what ever you need. But, also help you to sense the truth to.
All these things plus a much vaster un-offered range is why i do what i so. Offer, explore, share and impart everything i do. To be an ally in this 'Unawareness Realm' as a call it. So you can get up to speed ASAP.
Our mortal lives are very short. The demands upon our precious time are great. There are definitely all sorts of obstacles, pitfalls, booby traps that do not want this for you. You might already have lived through enormous efforts to derail you because the potential you have not presently realised. Those efforts may only increase as well. Especially when you really get going.
To me though. All of this, only offers an even richer appreciation to be a relentless. In trusting you, the truth is out there and your potential is in actual fact infinite. It can therefore be employed a Truth muscle sensing training. Because to me achieving awareness in it is all is most definitely an incredible privilege. Despite it all. I see other expressions we might have in the universe is infinite awareness. So, developing in the constraints here and incredible experience.That despite how it may feel at times. I know it to be incredibly rare. As i mention Discovery is one of my joys. When you put the effort and perhaps investment into the discovery of who you are here now. In spite of all this. It might be one of the riches experiences you never knew was on offer. Until you had the courage to seek your potential.
So, if you are here. And, truth is incredibly precious to you. I respect and appreciate your commitment to is also. If i am able to offer you anything that assists you to our own similar conclusions here. Or an ally to fast track that potential in seeking me out. Then you honour me for that inclusion in your journey. I would not do so without the respect and responsibility having such an influence comes with. And, wish you well no matter what level you explore my material. I look forward to you becoming all you can as well. As everyone matters now on levels few can fathom. I assure you on that.
You maybe the catalyst for others to discover their truth al. If you do.
♾🙏 Enjoy and Dream Big 🙏♾